One last morning under the pergola we discussed what had happened in the godhead's crucible, but the berries distracted us, we lost the thread, you touched my hand, and we were smoke.
"So FACEBOOK puts a mark on Cain, lest anyone should kill him at sight. Cain then leaves FACEBOOK'S presence and settles in the land of Nod, east of Eden."
It was never natural, not cosmic rays unspooling, epic failure of photosynthesis. The lovers were fuse and timer, thrusting seconds home.
It was natural. Rivers divorced seas under the aegis of ending, tectonic plates shattered against apartment walls, all evolving closure.
It was not human. The bridges into the city were empty at midnight, the trains were silenced, bars dark: one great godflash, and lights out.
It was no one's. A destroying wave passed through Being, positron to pulsar, invisible, unknown to them as they removed each other's skin.
It was not theirs. The boundaries betrayed them. Out of the core of their argument a shape arose, arsenical whirlwind, last word.